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Leading from the Middle

At a Glance

Delivery Style



5 weeks

Hours of Study




Next Start

Apr 17

Project Managers not only focus on managing projects but also on ‘leading from the middle’. Based on original research carried out by our project management instructional faculty, this course examines how leaders think, how they interact with their teams and how they navigate projects forward and solidify buy-in to build momentum. Reviewing the nuances and subtlety of leadership, this course provides a practical review of what effective leaders physically do that their peers are missing.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define what a leader is and how it differs from the concept of management.
  • Describe eight core ‘thought strands’ that shape effective leaders thinking and guide ways they approach their work and teams.
  • Create and communicate a vision and use a vision to align people.
  • Identify the approach effective leaders take in delegating work and supervising teams.
  • Articulate strategies for motivating teams and maximizing teams’ productivity.
  • Describe what it takes to build your credibility as a leader and how credibility is key to gaining trust, support, and influence.


PM3 NEW 2023

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Applies to the following Certificate(s)

Registration Details

Please check back later for upcoming offerings of this course.